2020-05-22 2:41 AM
Hi all,
i bought the STM32WB55 Nucleo Pack and I tried different examples from the STM32WB55 Firmware Package. The BLE Datathroughput example worked fine for me, but the BLE Beacon won't work.
I updated the FUS to the newest version.
I flashed the newest version of the ble full firmware stack.
I am using the STM32CubeIDE and opened the SW4STM32 folder and imported the Beacon Example project.
I can compile it without Errors and can run it, but at the end i dont find any beacon.
I tried with different eddystone beacons and with iBeacon.
To find the beacon I am using a Galaxy S9 with Beacon Scanner App and the nRF Connect App.
I don't know where the problem is and what i can do to make it work.
Can anybody help me out?
2020-05-25 1:27 AM
Hi all,
after several restarts of my IDE and reconnects of my Board I managed to get the Beacon working.
Unfortunately I am not able to use the Bluetooth 5 Extended Advertising.
I am using the CFG_EDDYSTONE_URL_BEACON_TYPE, set CFG_BLE_MAX_ATT_MTU to (250) and CFG_BLE_DATA_LENGTH_EXTENSION to 1 and extended the PHYSICAL_WEB_URL to more than 17 chars. But it seems like that is not enough.
I also noticed that the Samsung Galaxy S9 doesn't support the Extended Advertising, so I asked someone with a Galaxy S10, but it also doesn't work. The Beacon can simply not be found.
I would be glad if someone could help me out.