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STM32WB Dongle stop working

Associate II

I Have updated the Dongle's fuses to 1.2.0 version. I did a successful test with the example of transparent mode and the monitor RF. Now I'm trying to use it as Server in a p2p example and it doesn't works. To discard, I flash it again with the example of the transparaent mode and I now I can't conect with monitor RF giving me the following pop-up.

0693W00000NrXARQA3.pngIs it that the Dongle is broken? I tryed programming on it the heartrate example and it didn't work.

If I read the fuses it response fine:


Associate II

I solved: I put again the ble stack and it worked. First I put in it an other stack (Zigbee) and then I put it the ble stack again and start working.