2019-11-22 6:53 AM
I don't not know if this is the right section to ask my question, but I did not found any specific topic for device S2-LP.
I'm performing some tests with the above component interfaced with a MCU STM32L0. The communication is realized through a SPI interface.
I succeed in sending a command but unfortunately I cannot understand properly the answer.
In the S2-LP user manual, there is a list of registers that can be sued but not a description of transport ptotocol format.
For example: The first character of the TX frame is WRITE_HEADER = 0x0. Is correct? The RX frame has another header character. These defines are into the S2LP library that I use.
My question is: Is there a documentation that explaining which is the protocol used to communicate to S2-LP component? I read the official s2-lp.pdf user manual but I don't find this specific topic.
Thanks in advance for the cooperation
2019-11-25 2:13 AM
for sending a message, you first have to send : 0x00 ( Write though SPI) then 0xFF (address of FIFO if you use the FIFO) then the packet you want to send. After that, you can send your TX command.
The packet is described in section 7 of the datasheet : Packet handler engine.
You have the choice with few different packet such as basic packet format.
I advise you to try the S2LP DK application wich explain the link between the registers and your configurations...