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P-NUCLEO-WB55 Nucleo RF kit: Can not start project using STM32CubeMX

Associate II

Not able to start project in STM32CubeMX after board selection of P-NUCLEO-WB55 RF kit.

Do we require any license for this?

Please provide information for the same.


Yaroslav Vushnevsky
Associate II

No licence needed. It is just bugged soft. Use "Example selector" option to start your project from example.

Yesterday was update, but it still pain in the ***. You cant configure debug UART in clean project, because option just inactive without reason. They know about bug about half of the year and do nothing. More over - now version of libraries are 1.13.0, but when you try to start project from example - CubeIde download 1.12.1 and start project from it. WHAT THE ****!