2011-08-26 8:37 AM
Hi all!
I have a question about OTA-bootloader: I have read yhis manual, but i'am not understand - can i write a program and download it to STM32W via air? Without JTAG and ST-Link? If yes - where i can find a software for OTA-flashing? #bootloader #ota #stm32w2011-08-26 9:29 AM
I suspect it will require a phone call to your local ST rep or FAE, and likely some NDA or licensing agreement. I think the STM32W is generally messy in this regard, as you cannot get register level documentation for the radio interface.
The OTA protocol is similar to the serial boot loader protocol for other STM32 parts, except using the wireless link. It eats a chunk of you flash space, so your application space will be diminished. It's not a debugging method, and unless it comes delivered on the device you will still need to use a serial or JTAG programming methodology in your production/factory programming step.