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MCU STM32WLE5 radio wake-up reason

Associate II


For my project I need to put a MCU STM32WLE5CCU6 in standby mode and configure several wake-up type : 

  • Wake-up pin 1 on PA0
  • RTC wake-up
  • Radio wake-up on a LoRa message received by the embedded Sub-GHz radio module of the MCU with the bit EWRFIRQ (reg: PWR_CR3)

I can recognize the wake-up from : 

  • the pin PA0 with WUF1 (reg: PWR_SR1)
  • the RTC with WUFI (reg: PWR_SR1) 

However, I can't find a solution to check that the MCU have been waked-up by the Sub-GHz radio module. 

Do you have a solution ? 


Other fact, every time the MCU is waked-up whichever the reason, the bit WUF1 is set when the wake-up on pin 1 is configured. Is it a bug ? 

Note : I reinitialize the flag of the wake-up pin 1 reason before putting the MCU in standby mode.


Thanks in advance

ST Employee

Hello @MaxB1000ien 

>However, I can't find a solution to check that the MCU have been waked-up by the Sub-GHz radio module. 

Do you have a solution ? 

The easiest way is to check this is to Check the flags of the other two interrupts. If they are not set, Then the interrupt is coming from the Sub-GHz.

>Other fact, every time the MCU is waked-up whichever the reason, the bit WUF1 is set when the wake-up on pin 1 is configured. Is it a bug ?

I'm not able to reproduce this on the Nucleo-WL55jc1. Can you try to reproduce this on the Nucleo Board.

Best Regards.


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