2021-02-20 3:09 AM
Hi ,
We have designed the custom PCB based on "MB1720", tried the LORAWAN_end_node example on our custom board. but there is no signal out from RF antenna. do we need to modify anything related to MB1720? We have the NUCLIO-WL55JC devboard, the same is working fine with default code(updated Region parameters to India).
Can you please suggest me if i need to make any changes in code with respect to MB1720.
just for your info: custom board with MB1720 is working fine with other examples, also Lorawan_end_node running fine without any error's, but i could not see any data on packet forwarder in gateway.
Thanks in Advance.
2021-02-22 12:25 AM
please kindly contact https://community.st.com/s/onlinesupport thank you much
2021-03-16 1:53 AM
We will explain how to allocate MCU resources for the Lorawan End_Node example during workshop.