2020-08-26 11:46 AM
I have a B-L475EIOT01A2C evaluation board. Is it possible to use the LoRa software expansion for STM32Cube in order to address the SX1272 MBed Shield (SX1272MB2xAS) which fits on the evaluation board?
2020-08-26 11:55 AM
The LRWAN software could be ported to that, or other L4 platforms. Had that shield working on a number of DISCO and NUCLEO boards.
2020-08-26 12:34 PM
Thx for the answer. I am getting a lot of errors when I copy the Drivers into a new STM32 project for B-L475EIOT01A2C evaluation board. What is the minimum whch needs to be copied from the i-cube_lrwan.zip for the project to compile?
2020-08-26 12:58 PM
The LRWAN code is based on a Semtech model, and loosely uses HAL to achieve that.
It definitely doesn't fit in the CubeMX/HAL code generation paradigm cleanly.
You might want to decide what model of operation you're most comfortable with and port into that.
The alternative would be to compartmentalize the LoRa stuff , and make an API you can interact with it.
>>What is the minimum which needs to be copied from the i-cube_lrwan.zip for the project to compile?
Not sure it's that trivial, I ported it to a couple of STM32 families, and boards, and it was some work.
2020-08-27 2:34 AM
Thx. I'm using PingPong in STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.3.1/Projects/B-L072Z-LRWAN1/Applications/LoRa/ as a starting point.
PingPong contains Core and LoRaWAN sub-folders. The latter contains main.c.
However it also contains a folder SW4STM32 which has a project named mlm32l07x01.
This project contains the compiler settings for frequency, modem etc.
STM32L072xx etc.
How do PingPong and mlm32l07x01relate? Do I need mlm32l07x01 as a sub-project inside the new project in order to reference files and for the compiler settings?