2022-03-02 12:09 AM
I am using STM32CubeProgrammer trying to correctly start BLE stack.
Problem is that when I press "Start Wireless Stack" inside the program it loads some data into flash between addresses 0x08000000 - 0x08001700 but the space on a STM32WB50CG from address 0x08000000 to 0x08020000 is supposed to be reserved for user programs, so a part of mine gets overridden.
I am fairly new to ARM development, so I just want to know, if after pressing button to "Start Wireless Stack" is supposed to load something in to flash starting at 0x08000000 or am I doing something wrong. Any suggestions what to check?
Overall MPU setup was done by official STM tutorial, but BLE doesn't show up as someone in comment section also pointed out.
08:37:26 : Warning: Option Byte: nSWboot0, value: 0x0, was not modified.
08:37:26 : Warning: Option Byte: nboot0, value: 0x1, was not modified.
08:37:26 : Warning: Option Byte: nboot1, value: 0x1, was not modified.
08:37:26 : Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
08:37:26 : Succeeded to set nSWboot0=0 nboot1=1 nboot0=1
08:37:26 : Memory Programming ...
08:37:26 : Opening and parsing file: 0x495_FUS_Operator.bin
08:37:26 : File : 0x495_FUS_Operator.bin
08:37:26 : Size : 8 KBytes
08:37:26 : Address : 0x08000000
08:37:26 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
08:37:26 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 1]
08:37:27 : Download in Progress:
08:37:27 : File download complete
08:37:27 : Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.285
08:37:27 : Application is running, Please Hold on...
08:37:28 : Reconnecting...
08:37:28 : Reconnected !
08:37:29 : FusStartWS activated successfully
08:37:29 : Warning: Option Byte: nSWboot0, value: 0x0, was not modified.
08:37:29 : Warning: Option Byte: nboot0, value: 0x1, was not modified.
08:37:29 : Warning: Option Byte: nboot1, value: 0x1, was not modified.
08:37:29 : Warning: Option Bytes are unchanged, Data won't be downloaded
08:37:29 : Succeeded to set nSWboot0=0 nboot1=1 nboot0=1
08:37:29 : Memory Programming ...
08:37:29 : Opening and parsing file: 0x495_FUS_Operator.bin
08:37:29 : File : 0x495_FUS_Operator.bin
08:37:29 : Size : 8 KBytes
08:37:29 : Address : 0x08000000
08:37:29 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
08:37:29 : Erasing internal memory sectors [0 1]
08:37:29 : Download in Progress:
08:37:29 : File download complete
08:37:29 : Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.281
08:37:29 : Application is running, Please Hold on...
08:37:30 : Reconnecting...
08:37:30 : Reconnected !
08:37:31 : FusStartWS activated successfully
08:37:31 : Start Wireless Stack command execution finished with success
2022-03-09 7:30 AM
Indeed, when you press "Start Wireless Stack" , STM32CubeProgrammer loads FUS operator into the flash at 0x08000000 in the applicative part to be able to start wireless stack.
Best Regards
2024-02-21 10:38 AM
Can I use the firmware to "Start Wireless Stack" instead using STM32CubeProgrammer ?