2022-05-11 8:17 AM
I'm trying to connect an OLED display to my STM32WL55JC by I2C but it doesn't work...
I've successfully connect it with a STM32F411RE but the I2C configuration / HAL interface seams to be different between both MCU...
Here my config on the STM32F4
Here my config on th STM32WL :
Does anyone know whats wrong ?
Thanks so much !
Hugo P.
2022-05-12 12:36 AM
Hello @Community member ,
In the STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.2.0 you can find code example of I2C under STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.2.0\Projects\NUCLEO-WL55JC\Examples\I2C
You can compare your code with the example one to match the differences.
Tell me if you still faces issues.
Best regards
2022-05-12 2:11 AM
Thanks a lot, I think that was an hardware mistake... My bad... Now its all solve !