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I'm trying to broadcast messages via Zigbee using APS messages, but I get Error status = 0xa6 (ZB_APS_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER)



I need to broadcast data between multiple STM32WB55 boards in a mesh using Zigbee. So I figured trying to make the APS Message example bi-directional (so both sides can send a request) would be a good starting point. So basicly I copied every function and initialization that was missing on the Coord side from the Router and the other way around, so that both sites should be able to send a request and reply to a request.

But every time I try to send a request I get the trace Message:

[app_zigbee.c][APP_ZIGBEE_APS_Conf_cb][847] [M4 APPLICATION] APP_ZIGBEE_APS_Conf_cb : Error, APS confirm status = 0xa6

0xa6 is ZB_APS_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER which, in my understanding, could be anything, so this was not really helpfull to me.

I tried following the steps but I can't figure out why it comes up. I compared the input data from the example Router side to my copied one on the coordinator and everything seems similiar. I also set the highest debug level and enabled Full_Trace but still no helpfull debug log would come up.

For practice purposes I've done something similiar to the OnOff example so I could switch the LED OnOff from both sites by making both sites a OnOffServer and OnOffClient at the same time, which worked flawlessly.

I'm stuck there so long I basicly read every Application Note I could find, and I'm really starting to understand the app_zigbee code, but I still can't figure out what I am missing.

The only thing I can imagine is that a successfull request requires a reply, and maybe I have an adressing issue, because I can't adress 0x0000 like the router does in the example for the Coordinator. But I tried Group adresses or the predefined broadcast adresses but nothing changed. Also the error status would not match such an error according to my understanding

Does anybody had a similiar problem and knows how to fix it? Or maybe have a recommandation for another way to broadcast data via Zigbee?

Thank you in advance!


Associate II


i am having the same problem.

Did you manage to solve the problem with sending a broadcast or group messages?

I would be grateful for an answer!

Thanks in Advance.