2019-12-04 12:06 PM
2019-12-05 2:11 AM
I did not find any "System Core Category" directory. Could you extend the full path name?
There is one TSC example under STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.3.0\Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Examples\TSC.
2019-12-05 9:28 PM
So in v1.1.0 of the STM32Cube WB package, we have the following options (TSC exists in the drop down list):
However, in v1.3.0, the TSC option is gone.
2019-12-06 6:50 AM
Did you select the same chip and the same board?
Anyhow I must recognize that the TSC is available on the STM32WB and should be exposed in the list.
2019-12-06 7:28 AM
In fact if you selected a STM32WBCGxx device, this 48-pin package version (the one populated on the dongle) does not offer the TSC option.
If you select the STM32WBRGxx device which is the 68-pin package version of the STM32WB family (the one on the Nucleo board) , then the TSC option is listed.
2019-12-06 7:45 AM
Hi Remi, I did select the STM32WBCGxx but PB4-PB7 do have TSC channel 2 associated with them (ref: page 65-66 of https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32wb55cg.html). Furthermore, v1.1.0 of the STM32Cube WB package did have it for me to enable and it seemed it was working just fine when I tested it a few months ago, albeit I was only performing a quick touch and no-touch test.
2019-12-06 7:56 AM
2019-12-06 8:03 AM
Right, but the option is missing for STM32WBCGxx projects but it should be there (as it was in version v1.1.0).
2019-12-09 7:52 AM
What is strange is the fact that WB55CG devices were exposing a TSC peripheral inside CubeMX while none of the 48-pin package variants support this capability.
All in all , It is a mistake in the Cube MX tool for the TSC capabilities of 48-pin packages of the STM32WB.
A few TSC pins (TSC_G2_IOx group) are mentioned in the datasheet for the 48-pin package but it is not enough to offer a real touch sensing functionality.
I will ask for the correction of this erroneous presentation for the next version of the CubeMX tool.
2019-12-09 7:56 AM
Hello @Patrick Chwalek ,
This will be internally checked.
Best Regards,