2022-08-10 5:33 AM
Hi... There
Hope you all are doing well
For the past few days, I'm dealing with the LoRaWAN Firmware having class-C
In my application, I need the continuous connection between Node to gateway and gateway to the Network server (As I want to receive the downlink continuously from the Network server)
For the Firmware perspective, I'm using ST's I-CUBE-LRWAN Firmware packages having version 2.1.0 with ABP configuration
For the LoRa chipset, I'm using SX1262
I'm dealing with the US frequencies at 915Mhz
For the gateway, I'm using a multichannel indoor gateway from Friendcom
From the Network server perspective, I'm using the private LoRaWAN network service hosted on AWS (https://github.com/gotthardp/lorawan-server)
Problem statements:
With class- C, I can send the uplink to the gateway and gateway to a Network server
But unfortunately, Node unable to receive the downlink from the LoRaWAN network-server
Testing & Observation
From the gateways logs, I can figure out that the gateway receiving the downlink from the Network service
Unfortunately, it's unable to receive at the LoRaWan node!
From the logs at the node side, I can confirm that the RX2 windows continuously opening
I can't observe any operations at the DIO pin during receiving windows (As I have confirmed with the logic analyzer)
All suggestions & comments are well-come