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How to use P-NUCLEO-WB55 as part of an OpenThread/Matter testbed?

Associate II

Kind folks,

STM32Cube IDE newbie here, so please forgive the simple questions.


I'm trying to create a multi-vendor testbed and diagnostic environment for Matter networks. In the case of ST Micro products, the thought occurs that the two Thread-capable boards in the P-NUCLEO-WB55 pack could form a minimal Thread network, just chatting back and forth between themselves to provide some RF traffic. Idea is to use the demo Thread_FTD_Coap_Multicast application from the STM32CubeWB firmware (v 1.5.0) sample projects, modified to send a packet to its twin based on a timer (instead of user button input).


  1. Is this a good approach? Can you suggest a better one?
  2. The firmware library provides STMCube IDE projects for both boards, under folders labeled P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo and P-NUCLEO-WB55.USBDongle.
    1. The former contains an .ioc configuration project, loads and builds easily in the IDE. Can be written to the board's flash from the IDE or the STM32CubeProgrammer. So far so good.
    2. But the folder for the Dongle does not contain an .ioc file and fails on lack of a .ld (loader directives?) file on building. Yes, I know, easy for an STMCube IDE journeyman to solve, but I have enough Matter, etc., stuff to learn. Can anyone suggest the proper sequence to build the Dongle app? (And, yes, I know the Dongle has a DFU boot loader -- no ST-Link)
  3. The release notes for the STM32CubeWB firmware v 1.5.0 say the Thread support is OpenThread 1.3 "ready". I'm presuming that this means that the RF packets generated by the sample apps will be Matter compatible (if I'm careful). Haven't looked at the code yet -- any quick hints where the network address, security credentials, etc., required for Mater are located. Any hints here where they might be located in the app and what they're named would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance. Will be happy to share any related results here.


ST Employee


1) Yes, you can do that.

2) You can start from Thread_FTD_Coap_Multicast available in STM32CubeWB package v1.16.0.

3) All the data is saved in NVM in internal flash memory. A non-matter device can't communicate with a matter device. The non-matter device will make noise on the channel.

You can find more information regarding matter here and an example stm32wb matter device over thread.

Best Regards