2023-02-08 12:04 AM
Kind folks,
STM32Cube IDE newbie here, so please forgive the simple questions.
I'm trying to create a multi-vendor testbed and diagnostic environment for Matter networks. In the case of ST Micro products, the thought occurs that the two Thread-capable boards in the P-NUCLEO-WB55 pack could form a minimal Thread network, just chatting back and forth between themselves to provide some RF traffic. Idea is to use the demo Thread_FTD_Coap_Multicast application from the STM32CubeWB firmware (v 1.5.0) sample projects, modified to send a packet to its twin based on a timer (instead of user button input).
Thanks in advance. Will be happy to share any related results here.
2023-03-31 5:39 AM
1) Yes, you can do that.
2) You can start from Thread_FTD_Coap_Multicast available in STM32CubeWB package v1.16.0.
3) All the data is saved in NVM in internal flash memory. A non-matter device can't communicate with a matter device. The non-matter device will make noise on the channel.
You can find more information regarding matter here and an example stm32wb matter device over thread.
Best Regards