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How to use B-L072Z-LRWAN1 LoRa®/Sigfox™ Discovery kit for US915Mhz Frequency? And how to see the downlink data?

Associate III

Is there anything to change in the firmware "STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.0"? If there, then where, what and how we need to change?

I am using my laptop to configure using COM port for this device. So how can I get confirm that any data has been received as a downlink?

I am able to send data to Loriot in class A, But not able to see any downlink data.

Thank you.....


Build with command line define USE_BAND_915

Newer versions might have additional options. Grep "USE_BAND"

The AT command example needs additional modding, thread within last week or so on that. Grep "868"

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Associate III

Thank you for your reply.

I am new to ST boards. So please excuse me if I am following wrong to your suggestion.

Is this the path where we need to make the changes (STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.0\Projects\B-L072Z-LRWAN1\Applications\LoRa\AT_Slave\LoRaWAN\App\src)?

Here I could find the header files in "inc" folder and .c files in "src" folder. There are command.h, lora.h files and command.c, lora.c, main.c files, where I could not find these header files you have mentioned(define USE_BAND_915 and Grep"868"). please correct me if I am wrong.

Grep == "Find in Files" using whatever IDE, OS Tools or File Manager you are using.

I could go mine the files for you, but have other pressing tasks. C compilers take "Command Line Options" directing the build, these are often setting within the IDE project meta-data. They cause selective compilation. Frequency settings in the code depend on USE_BAND_915, REGION_EU868, REGION_US915, etc

Not familiar with the code base, perhaps review functionality within IDE to search/browse, or use Static Analysis tools.

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Associate III

Thank you Clive Two.Zero. I will try this. I had seen a youtube video, also a URL( where this process is mentioned. I will try and see.

Associate III

Hi Clive. I have tried going to the "STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.2.0" firmware. I have opened "ST SLAVE" folder, then "MDK_ARM" and opened the project on Keil uVision. Next, in "Option For Target mlm32107x01", "c/c++". In here in the define sections end I have typed REGION_US915, compiled and loaded. My gateway is a Laired sentrius Gateway which is registered in and the region is choosen for US915. I have tried to send data to it using RN2903 module from microchip and it works. But After loading this firmware on my L072Z board, it doesn't join the network. I have tried with EU868 and it works fine( Class A and Class C). But after changing like the above mentioned way, it does not join the network.

I have tried both OTAA and ABP by changing the NSKEY and APPSKEY in commissioning.h file.

On the AT command, for ABP joining, it says "AT_ERROR". For OTAA, it does not shows OK, but does not join.

Is there still any change need to be done in the firmware somewhere?