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How to send data at high speed via BLE

I need to send about 20K bytes of data per second over BLE (by STM32WB55), currently I am using the Custom_STM_App_Update_Char() function, which sends 148 Bytes each time, I using the following code:


while(dataRemain > 0){
  Custom_STM_App_Update_Char( CUSTOM_STM_SENSORREAD, &audioSend[dataIndex] ); // each time send 48*2 = 148 bytes
  dataIndex = dataIndex + CHUNK_SIZE;                                      
  dataRemain = dataRemain - CHUNK_SIZE;


Unfortunately, on the receiving side, I can only receive 148*5 Bytes of data per second, which means only 5 frames.
So,what should I do to solve my problem? How can I make sure that I can send and receive all the data?

Code formatting applied - please see How to insert source code for future reference.