2019-03-25 03:32 AM
Hey everyone,
I'm using a stm32wb55 nucleo board.
When i'm using ST example about RTC, i have a problem with the accuracy of RTC and i want to know how i can configure RTC for increase her accurancy?
I.E.: all of 10 minutes i lose 6 seconds
Thanks in advance for any help.
2019-03-25 03:56 AM
Does it lose time in a step or continuous? Do you run with LSE or some other clock? Why don't you give more information? In general, check your code and quarz!
2019-03-25 05:19 AM
It lose time in continuous and i use this clock configuration:
2019-03-25 05:26 AM
So check the quarz. Maybe it is 32 k and not 2^15. Or maybe the load capacitance is far off. Or it is broken...