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How can I open this project which was created using older STM32CubeIDE and MX


Any advises on opening this?  I brought the needed Hardware Nucleo F401RE.  However the latest IDE and MX are not able to read the project.

What is the general advises and procedure to port between different STM32 MCU under HAL or LL?  Is HAL easier than LL for porting between different 'relatively modern' MCU? 

If the project will be successfully open, what need to be done to port it from Nucleo F401RE to STM32WLE5JCI6?  These two MCU are same ARM M4 series, right?

Many thanks

ST Employee

Hello @David_ 

For this project, I suggest you open the .ioc file and generate the project starting from this file. Then, you can add the necessary code on the generated files. 

The Hal is surely easier for migration between MCUs since it is almost the same between the MCUs.

For Migration between STM32F4 and the STM32WL you can use the recommendation of both AN4821 and AN5408.

Best Regards.



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Many thanks.  I brought a Nucleo STM32F103RB to follow this in Github here

It was in STM32F103C8T6 which I hope is close enough to the Nuceleo board. 

Out first task is the setup the Nucleo in same configuration as the example.  Cannot read .ioc is the problem.

Wonder if you factory has tools to read the older .ioc (or may just see the generate init code).  If you can, please generate an .ioc file using current version MX and attach in your reply. 

Many thanks


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

The error message says it clearly:


Open the .ioc file in text editor and delete two lines that contain "SW4STM32". Save the file, open with CubeMX again.

Same with the other github project: delete lines that contain "TrueStudio".

Here you can more help and support for your STM32 project.


But realistically as a Tool Vendor you should be able to use, or import, old projects from YOUR OWN TOOLS

Honestly it's a pretty low bar, and if you want to help customers it would recognize and do a half decent job for all manner of competitive IDE, most have everything in an ASCII / XML form

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This is a very sorry state of affairs. Should be able to read OLD projects regardless if they changed or fixed the formatting / processing. Bug fixes should include fixing the mess you've made previously, and do it seamlessly. Should be able to RECOVER corrupt ones, or IMPORT older versions. This is what normal tool vendors do. They also support competitive products to steal their customers and make the process as painless as possible.

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Agree. The standalone CubeMX should offer conversion to a supported IDE from unsupported. But it was easy to fix manually))

do a half decent job form all manner of competitive IDE

ST does not really compete with other IDEs. Going that way would disturb their tooling ecosystem partners.




What are the next level of developemnt tools?  Enter level professional grade at low side cost.  Not big system supporting tons of programmers, locating at 50 countreis.... 

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Next level of tools? Hmm. Perhaps, a developer sitting on his аss doing nothing, and Chatgpt doing all the work for him?