2021-01-28 9:12 AM
Is it possible to pasively scan on this kit? Example with active scan works(BLE_p2pRouteur from git repo).
Just to understand what I need - chip have to to advertise data while pasively scan all beacons around.
Moreover in document PM0271 Rev 1, July 2020 "STM32WB BLE stack programming
guidelines. Programming manual" in section 4.3.2 said to use callback "void hci_le_advertising_report_event(uint8_t Num_Reports, Advertising_Report_t Advertising_Report[])". There is declaration of this function(definition is for user) but never called anywhere. The only possible way is to use "SVCCTL_UserEvtFlowStatus_t SVCCTL_App_Notification(void *pckt)" callback handling subevents. Is there any way to use callback from documentation?