2025-02-28 3:05 PM
I am setting up a p2p Client and p2p Server example using 2x B-WB1M-WPAN1 boards. There is no example I can find for the B-WB1M-WPAN1 so I have taken the Nucleo example and modified to suit the B-WB1M-WPAN1.
I cannot connect the p2p Server to the p2p Client. Here is where I am at:
- P2P Server is operational and available on the ST BLE Toolbox phone app.
- P2P Server advertising settings as below
- P2P Client is running and a button press will initiate a scan as below.
1. Does the p2p_Client application apply a device filter to the scan procedure, and if so what is being filtered and where can I modify this filter to find my device? Could this be my issue?
2. In future I would like to only connect to devices with a specific ID, where could I set this ID and is there an automatic re-connect capability if the ID is fixed?
Thank you for any help.