2019-10-02 5:24 PM
I have WB55 Dongle board that someone may have programmed previously. I am trying to start it fresh and make sure it is up to date using all files from from STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0
I followed the procedure to install new FUS and BLE Stack:
Then I used the Programmer in USB mode to download BLE_TransparentModeVCP_reference.hex
All that seems to work fine.
But when I set the switch back to normal boot and plug it in, there are no lights, and no COM port is recognized. Ironically, before I did this, the device did show up on COM3, but it was also unresponsive.
What did I do wrong, or how can I figure what is wrong?
2019-10-04 9:38 AM
>Is it possible that the precompiled BLE_TransparentModeVCP_reference.hex is not compatible with the new FUS/BLE stack
No. The hex file from the V1.2.0 CubeFW package is compliant with the FUS V1.0.2 available in the same WB FW package. But it would have worked with the previous versions of the FUS too.
Unfortunately, once updated, there is noway to revert to a previous version of a FUS and, as I state above, it would be useless.
SW1 is just the reset button. Regarding SW2: If you managed to get the test point for BOOT0, it is OK.
2019-10-07 9:23 AM
Do you have any other suggestions or should I give up on this Dongle?
2019-10-07 12:17 PM
Unfortunately I have absolutely no clue about the possible cause of this strange behavior.
I will come back to you if someone give me a new idea.
Till this potential feedback, you should let this dongle aside.
2019-10-09 1:32 PM
I have converted the .hex file to a .dfu and then use the ST dfu loader app to program the dongle and it works. The usb dongle reports as virtual com. You can even try to rebuild the .hex file as the sources are also in the V1.2.0 CubeFW package.