2021-05-16 10:40 PM
I have followed instructions from many threads but none seems to work. I am not sure if I tweaked the Anti-Rollback before a FUS update. Please help.
So is there a way to revive my board ??
If I have bricked my board and cannot REVERT back I need to know what was wrong and shouldn't be done.
2021-06-08 10:25 AM
Can you download all the option bytes to get a status of the WB device?
2021-06-08 10:52 AM
Yes the option byte was being correctly programmed.
I have fixed it by programming nboot0, installing boot0 jumper to invoke the DFU mode. Upgrade FUS, Upgrade Stack to latest.
Oh. Probably I had to open the battery too.
2021-06-09 3:56 AM
Good! I like this kind of simple support :)
2021-06-09 8:40 PM
That's hilarious. I figured it out myself and NOBODY helped. Your support agent didn't even understand the question. So there was NO SUPPORT. Not at all. We are deciding to move away from Nordic to STM32WB5MMG and POST COVID our annual consumption would exceed a million of them. But as of now we might not switch to ST.
Still I need to finish the proto. It's my job
2021-06-10 1:01 AM
I did not thought it coubd be so simple as it looked related to secure update. This option byte setting has already been explained a few times on the community.
Please browse through the other posts of the community as a lot of engineers already faced issues that you may encounter.
For info I have attached a document I already sent in another post explaining how to boot in USB DFU mode.