2020-04-22 09:04 PM
I just got myself this kit - https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/product-evaluation-tools/stm32-nucleo-expansion-boards/p-nucleo-lrwan3.html#overview
(433/470 Mhz version; just asserting the frequencies here..)
to play with. I'm interested to use the gateway from this kit with other nodes, not from this kit or non ST ones.
In particular I'm interested in using a bunch of breakout kits with this module:
Will I have any real problems with them & the gateway from the P-NUCLEO kit? That gateway is based on RisingHF chip. Now, I had experience with neither or, of those.
(I'm asking of there major incompatibility issues, or if one lacks support for such & such that wont' make it usable with the other ; and not if there are different software stacks that you will need to get used to, or dev envs & configurations, etc.)