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BLE Always Fails when setting RFWKP Clock Mux to LSE

Associate III

I've been having a lot of trouble getting all of the online BLE examples to work and was hoping someone could steer me in the right direction.  In every example they state that the RFWKP Clock Mux should be set to LSE but whenever I do that the main loops runs once then hangs somewhere in MX_APPE_Process() but I'm not sure where.  Interestingly if I setup a timer and ADC (to give it something else to do) that part works just fine - my ADC loop just reads a few values every second then toggles and LED.  

If I set the RFWKP Clock to HSE then it seems to work fine.  

I thought it was a problem with my custom board but this happens with the P-NUCLEO-WB55 board as well.

I'm using STM32CubeIDE version 1.14.1 and have the latest version of the FUS and wireless stack installed.  

ST Employee

Hello @nollstead 

Sorry for may late replay. Can you give more details about the configuration you are using and add a simple project that will help to reproduce the issue. I personally can't reproduce this issue. 

Best Regards.


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