2021-08-04 9:56 AM
We have a pretty big project and we want 2 people to develop screens for one project. we are using bitbucket as a repo and the idea is person 1 can make there screens on a branch and person 2 can make theirs on a separate branch. The merge them at the end. We tried this and we get conflicts. The attached image is just one of them. when touchGFX generates images it gives it an name and ID number, but as you can see the ID numbers are different. How can 2 or more people develop for the same touchGFX project? Is it even possible?
2021-08-11 12:49 AM
Hi jeff!
Generally, multi engineer support is something we're going to be focusing on now. As for your concrete issue you're showing here, you've got a generated file under version control which is bound to give conflicts. This is just one of multiple cases where several people working together may have conflicts, of course, but generally if you try to avoid committing generated files you'd be better off.
Maybe i can use this thread to keep everyone posted on progressions on multi engineer support-