2022-03-11 1:58 AM
I have defined a Screen named GUI which has, images, rectangle and buttons. All are displayed correctly with the exception of touchgfx::Shape which have white dots around the border and flicker when the touchgfx::Shape is invalidated.
I have defined a shape in touchgfx and the code that is autogenerated in my MainViewBase.hpp is:
touchgfx::Container Current_flow;
touchgfx::Shape<3> current_arrow;
My intention is to update the color. To achieve this I change the color of the painter associated to the Shape object and invalidate the shape in void MainView::handleTickEvent() from MainView.cpp
current_arrowPainter.setColor(Color::getColorFrom24BitRGB(0xFF, 0, 0));
Photo of the white flicker around the arrow:
2022-03-11 7:35 AM
Hello RMolins,
Could you give more information about your configuration please ?
Can you reproduce this bug on the simulator or only on your board ?
2022-03-13 5:54 PM
Hello RMolins,
Can you try this code instead and see if it changes something ?
current_arrowPainter.setColor(Color::getColorFrom24BitRGB(0xFF, 0, 0));
2022-03-14 12:01 AM
In the simulator the colors are solid, no flicker nor white dots
@Alexandre RENOUX I have added the code you mention, no changes on the behaviour.