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What if Number of Data Points is greater than number of pixels of X axis in TouchGFX Dynamic Graph ?

Associate III


I'm using the dynamic graph widget in Touchgfx. I wanted to know how the data points are plotted if in case the number of data points are greater than the number of pixels available to draw data. Also what is the difference between number of data points & Visible Range(Index values ).

Iám assuming a 480x272 pixel display for the below example.

For example, Suppose I have ADC data sampled @ 250Hz and I want to show 5 seconds of ADC data i.e. (250*5 = 1250) samples to be shown among 480 pixels(horizontal pixels). So If I divide 480 by 1250 ,it comes out to 0.384 pixel resolution per data point. So does that mean every 3rd data point will be shown on the Display because (3*0.384) comes out to be an integer value?

Kindly help me understanding this part.

Associate III

Can anyone help me with this??

Lead III

> So does that mean every 3rd data point will be shown on the Display because (3*0.384) comes out to be an integer value?

That's totally up to you.

Except of looking nice to the human eye, such an audio signal curve is not of very much value.

Scale down the data to your available display size, either use one out of 'n' points, or average 'n' points.