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Vertical scrolling Issue on LCD, source is Camera interfaced with DCMI interface.

Associate II

I have an issue with the vertical scrolling on the LCD. The video is not being stable on the screen. LCD resolution is 480*272.

Camera Decoder used ADV7180.

Source is from Camera which is interfaced with DCMI interface.

I have attached the Video , Please point me where exactly I am going wrong.


Can't watch the video from device I'm using but would guess a disparity in the line totals or synchronization.

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Thank you for the quick response but I have checked the DCMI configurations and even configurations of the decoder. But not finding any clue where its going wrong.

After adjusting crop settings, now its scrolling down slowly.

VSYNC not connected or pin misconfigured in GPIO?

Measure waveform directly on VSYNC input pin of mcu (touching physically the pin itself - I am aiming at bad solder joints); read out and check content of respective GPIO pin.

I don't use DCMI so don't know how exactly it detects the syncs, if it's not edge- but level-sensitive, then maybe also VSYNC polarity is incorrectly set.