2022-10-29 2:33 PM
Hello there, for some reason, I TouchGFX 4.16.1 is the last version that would connect and download examples
from 4.17 version onwards, I get
no I have internet, I don't know why the app thinks I do not have internet, I would use TouchGFX 1.16.1 but unfortionaly it does not have any examples for my STM32F769i DISCOvery 0
I found out that it tries to download: sw-center.st.com/touchgfx/pacman/packages.json.zip
but for some reason it still thinks it has no internet, is there any folder I can manualy download packages.json.zip so I don't need internet for TouchGFX?
Does this app have any log, so I could figure out why it cannot connect to the internet
Thanks for Anwsering and Best Regards
2022-10-31 12:57 AM
Hello @MKocj.1 ,
That's probably because your Windows version is too old for TouchGFX.
I think that TouchGFX version 4.16.1 is the last one supported on Windows 7.
So, could you please upgrade to Windows 10 and try again?
Thank you,