2024-12-02 6:09 AM
I tried to set up a simple example GUI with a Riverdi RVT50. I can generate the code in TouchGFXDesigner and open it with CubeIDE. When i try to build the code i get some undefined reference errors.
undefined reference to `vtable for touchgfx::CortexMMCUInstrumentation'
undefined reference to `touchgfx::CortexMMCUInstrumentation::init()
CubeIDE,CubeMX and TouchGFXDesigner are all up to date.
2024-12-04 3:19 AM
Hello @tvogt,
Which version of CubeMx and TouchGfx do you have exactly ?
Louis B.
2024-12-05 6:11 AM
i used
touchgfx 4.24.1
cubemx 6.13
2024-12-12 12:13 AM
Hello @tvogt ,
Did you tried this https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus-touchgfx-and-gui/cannot-build-project-with-cubeide-undefined-reference-to/m-p/700689#M38655 ?
I hope it helps,