2021-03-16 5:00 PM
Hello, I am trying to port TouchGFX Designer generated code into an STM32 Project that is built in a different build system (i.e. not STM32CubeIDE).
So I started at `TouchGFX/Core/Src/main.c` and trying to port over what was done as far as HW Initialization and testing. My platform is the STM32H735G-DK devKit.
I noticed quite a difference between MX_OCTOSPI1_Init vs MX_OCTOSPI2_Init in the TouchGFX generated code (i.e. the USER CODE sections)
MX_OCTOSPI1_Init pretty much undo all the CubeMX generates and relies on BSP_OSPI_NOR_Init
MX_OCTOSPI2_Init kept what CubeMX generates cal cals a couple of HAL_OSPI functions
but calling the equivalent S70KL1281_ReadID() always returns an error for OCTOSPI2
I am not clear if setting MemoryType as HyperBus during HAL_OSPI_Init() prevents using ReadID ?
Thank you for everyone's time.