2020-03-04 9:28 AM
Hi! I programed my usual code to the newer batch of STM324F69 Discovery but the touch capability of the screen is not responding. Out of the box the example program works fine, but when i Program the button example the touch doesnt works. This same buton example on an older STM32F469 Discovery works fine.
2020-03-06 4:44 AM
What's "usual code" and what's "example program" in this case?
2020-03-06 7:19 AM
"usual code" means my program and "example code" is the IU Template: Button example. Good news, I have solved the program, the newer batch of STM32Fdisco had the I2C touch controller FT3663 instead of FT6206 as the older STM32Fdisco, I only need to add the i2c slave address for the ft3663 (0x70) and find out which controller the Disco has to make the decision of whtar slave address to use! C: