2024-01-26 2:32 AM
i have an app that will only be controlled by hw buttons.
I have several ToggleButtons on the configuration screen. When I use the -> and <- arrows (hw buttons), I step over the buttons on the screen one by one. I can find out which button I am on by switching it. That's awkward.
So I created the interaction "Tigger on every N tick" and the linked function "blinkingButton". After selecting the button I flash it. It works fine, but I do it by putting a condition in the function that will flash depending on whether the button is enabled/disabled. Since I have several buttons on my desktop, "blinkingButton" runs unnecessarily for all of them, the condition is evaluated and only the active one flashes. It would be more appropriate to turn on the trigger only on the activated button and then turn it off again.
Can you advise how to do it? Is it possible to disable this function after creating an interaction and enable it after selecting a button from the program? Or can the notification of the active button be done in a more sophisticated way? Thank you very much
2024-01-26 9:21 AM
Sorry, but can you share some pictures etc to clear out your issue ? At least for me it is unclear.