2017-07-02 02:38 PM
I have an application where I need the following:
1. Lowest possible power conusmption - in any mode run/standby/sleep - it is a battery powered application
2. The controller also includes segment LCD driver - driving up to min 64 segments
3. The controller also keeps the segment LCD live (no turning off the LCD) in sleep/standby mode
Refering to the reference manual / data sheet for STM32L476, I found that this is a suitable controller I can use for my application.:
Q1. Has anyone any experience using STM32L4 in application for driving segment LCD? Can anyone please help me with any example / document?
Q2. Further for the segment LCD, how does the common and segment pins layout work?
Any primer or document will be really helpful and very much appreciated..
Thanks in advance!
#segment-lcd2020-04-06 11:57 AM
Hello @Jde J.1253
You should download the latest version of STM32CubeL4 V1.15.0 from st.com
Best Regards,
2020-04-06 12:58 PM
Please start a new thread stating your problem, don't extend on years old threads (if you need, link to them).
You can preview the Cube stuff also at github, e.g. https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL4/tree/master/Projects/STM32L476G-EVAL/Examples/LCD/LCD_SegmentsDrive , but it will probably require files from other directories of the "library", too.
I have a simplistic clock project using the LCD glass on the 'L4 DISCO at www.efton.sk/STM32 , that might be a starting point, too, if you prefer register-level approach to "libraries".