2019-09-18 6:55 PM
i am working on the STM32L and i have a problem with the lcd, no matter wich programm i am testing it's not working the programm hangs in the function LCD_Init() at :
/*!< Wait Until the LCD Booster is ready */
while(LCD_GetFlagStatus(LCD_FLAG_RDY) == RESET)
i tried to reboot the stm32l but still not working
is there something i can do to fix it ? or is it out of use ?
2024-03-20 6:08 AM
I al facing similar to above issue. I could not able to configure the internal voltage source. The while(__HAL_LCD_GET_FLAG(hlcd, LCD_FLAG_RDY) == RESET) never sets if the internal voltage source is selected. My configurations are listed below,
hlcd.Instance = LCD;
hlcd.Init.Prescaler = LCD_PRESCALER_1;
hlcd.Init.Divider = LCD_DIVIDER_31;
hlcd.Init.Duty = LCD_DUTY_1_4;
hlcd.Init.Bias = LCD_BIAS_1_3;
hlcd.Init.Contrast = LCD_CONTRASTLEVEL_6;
hlcd.Init.DeadTime = LCD_DEADTIME_0;
hlcd.Init.PulseOnDuration = LCD_PULSEONDURATION_4;
hlcd.Init.HighDrive = LCD_HIGHDRIVE_0;
hlcd.Init.MuxSegment = LCD_MUXSEGMENT_DISABLE;
hlcd.Init.BlinkMode = LCD_BLINKMODE_OFF;
hlcd.Init.BlinkFrequency = LCD_BLINKFREQUENCY_DIV8;
Anybody faced similar issue. Anyone can support for solution