2012-06-24 2:13 PM
I recently bought a STM32L-discovery and i try to print some message on the lcd display using some examples coming with IAR EWARM (LCD_SegmentsDrive for example). But when i use the function LCD_GLASS_DisplayString(''TEST''), the lcd hilights some segments in incomprehensible order. i first tried to execute the program in RAM using ''Download and debug'' without achieving to print some readable message. and when i pushed on reset, i had the normal message of the default program so i suppose than the board is OK. I then tried Flashing memory using ''download active application'' but without success. the Projet->option->debugger driver is set on ST-LINK and ST-LINK Reset on Normal, CLock Set up on 32.0 Mhz. I let the jumpers on their default positions (2 jumpers on ST-Link and the jumper on JP1 on) i am new to both EWARM and STM32 so if someone can help me. Thanks. #linker-bin-stm32-ewarm #stm32-discovery-iar-ewarm-lcd2012-06-26 4:52 AM
I change some parameters using this document :
http://netstorage.iar.com/SuppDB/Public/SUPPORT/004364/Programming%20BIN%20by%20EWARM%20_ST_.pdf but i now have a build problem : Fatal Error[Li001]: could not open file ''C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.4 Evaluation\arm\examples\ST\STM32L1xx\STM32L1xxHD_StdPeriph_Lib\Project\STM32L1xx_StdPeriph_Examples\LCD\ LCD_SegmentsDrive\demo.bin'' Error while running Linker I don't know if it means that demo.bin is not found (i though that it was the purpose of the build to create it) or can't be accessed. When i create an empty demo.bin file, it builds but the file is not modified. I am not sure to correctly configure Linker->Input, and the main difference with the document i found is that i use libraries. I though that all this settings were made in by the example project. I use STM32L1xxHD_StdPeriph_Lib\ because i have read that the STM32L152RBT6 of the STM32L-discovery was a High density MCU and in Options -> device i put ST STM32L152xB. If somebody have any suggestions. Thanks2012-06-26 3:46 PM
If you have the .bin or .map files open in other applications this will cause issues.
Windows 7 does not like User files under ''\Program Files'' it's generally considered bad form.2012-08-16 11:18 AM
2012-08-16 12:57 PM
Try putting your projects in
C:\Users\WHOMEVER\IARProjects\ Or some other directory where you can actually have full access rights to your files, and AV software won't throw fits.2012-09-27 6:46 AM
Sorry for the late response. I don't know if you finally come up with EWARM and clive1 solution. As for me, i moved to Keil µVision and it works.