2018-06-11 02:02 AM
I ordered the
camera module and I am trying to interface it with my STM32 F7 discovery board.While there are plenty of resources about the DCMI interface, I couldn't find anything about the camera module.Where can I find a datasheet or some useful information, rather than general description on the
?What is the camera driver model? How to initialize it and what are the possible configurations? Are there any examples provided for the STM32F7 discovery board?
#stm32f7-discovery #documentation #camera #dcmi2018-06-11 06:44 AM
,Have a look to this application note
, it may help you to easy configure your camera and DCMI. Moreover, itcontains examples were implemented on 32F746GDISCOVERY using the camera board STM32F4DIS-CAM (OV9655 CMOS sensor).I recommend that you refer to DCMI examples in STM32CubeF7 avaialble for STM32F769I-EVAL at following path:
STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.0\Projects\STM32F769I_EVAL\Examples\DCMIWith Regards,
2018-06-11 07:01 AM
I would start with the Element14 page here: