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STM32F433: How to blink individual segments in the LCD?


I can't figure this out, I know how to set the different blink modes:

LCD_BLINKMODE_SEG0_COM0, (Blink enabled on SEG[0], COM[0] (1 pixel))

LCD_BLINKMODE_SEG0_ALLCOM (Blink enabled on SEG[0], all COM (up to 8 pixels))

LCD_BLINKMODE_ALLSEG_ALLCOM   (Blink enabled on all SEG and all COM (all pixels))

...and this works, but it should be possible to select which segments should blink with ALLSEG ALLCOM selected, right? How can I do that, or is it not possible?

A second question (possible related to the question above), what is the purpose of RAMRegisterMask (specifies the LCD RAM Register Data Mask)?

I get the same result on the LCD whether I set the mask to all 1s or all 0s in HAL_LCD_Write calls, there must be some thing I'm missing?
