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ST7789 interface with STM32F429 using RGB565

Kylo Ren
Associate II


I am trying to interface ST7789 display with STM32F429 using RGB 565 interface.

I have used the st7789 library from STM32F4 package \STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0\Drivers\BSP\Components\st7789.c

But this library has functions of SPI and I want to use LTDC to send data to LCD.

In my board LCD is directly connected with LTDC pins of STM32f429 and also connected to SPI to configure registers.



Jack Peacock_2
Senior III

It's not clear what you are asking. The SiTronix ST7789 is a standalone LCD controller which uses the SPI to interface to a controller. If you are driving an LCD screen directly from the STM32 why do you have a separate LCD controller? You need a library for a direct connect LCD screen.

Jack Peacock