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Slow fade and move effects when running from QSPI Flash

João Costa
Associate III

I'm using a STM32F7508-DK boar, so I need to run my code from QSPI flash. My application is running on target, but all the animations are slower than it should be. When running on simulator, everything runs perfect. Screen transitions without effects seems ok too! Attached ia video running a logo fade (time = 500ms). Did anyone have this problem too? Thanks a lot!


Check caching, mpu and clocking settings for memory

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João Costa
Associate III

Thanks for your reply @Community member​ ! I forgot to enable I and D-cache... When enabling chache it works much better, but not perfect, it still shows a blinky effect... I'll check clock settings... thanks!

Chief III

Any update on this @João Filipe Silva Costa​?


João Costa
Associate III

Hi @Martin KJELDSEN​, thanks for your interest and support! I was focused on others tasks for a while and I'm back on this today. Enabling cache had improved so much but I still have a blinky fade effects... I'm trying to figure out what's making this happen. I was facing some errors when printing dynamics elements to the screen (some messy pixels) and I solved it disabling the 48MHz USB clock (not used on my board). Thanks!

João Costa
Associate III

I'm having this problem with scroll list too!

Associate II

I have the same issue on STM32F429-Disco and STM32F469-Disco. Instruction cache, Data cache, and Prefetch buffer are enabled for both boards.

QSPI clock prescaler is set to "1" on STM32F469 while its main clock is 180MHz which is made from external crystal of 8MHz.

I have a huge doubt on QSPI and the mechanism of loading images from it.

If you find any solution please let us know.

Any suggestion is welcome.


I don't think the ART performs any function with the F4 parts beyond the Internal Flash, not going to do anything on the QSPI or SDRAM memories

QSPI performance is going to be a function of the clock you're using for it. If 90 MHz, your looking at a ceiling just under 45 MBps

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Hi Martin! I'm still facing gui performance issues when using external QSPI flash. I'm using the bootloader generated from TouchGFX (when starting the project from TouchGFX Desiger).  Instruction and data cache, prefetch and ART acclerator are enabled, it has improved, but not solved the problem. When running a small gui app directly on internal flash and with the same hardware configuration the problem desapears... Could you give some help? Thanks a lot!

If I import my gui (generated from CubeIDE and MX) on a new project started from TouchGFX Designer, this runs pretty good! It seems to be a linker or make issue. When working just with TouchGFX...