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Overwriting of numbers when counter is increment or decrement

Associate II

Counter is increment or decrement by pressing button the initial value is remain on text​ box and new value is overwrite on previous value. How to solve overwriting issue. 


Please ensure that you have a background which covers the entire framebuffer.


Thank you Anders
As per your suggestion, by adding the background cover it solve my issue.
Now am trying to add UART code with Receiver interrupt,
I am able to transmit data through UART in Model Tick function.
I am facing the issue with generation of UART Receive interrupt.
I enabled the Interrupt in CR1 register.
Data is coming in RDR register also, but pointer is not hitting on UART_IRQ_Handle() in Stm32f7xx_it.c
I am USING USART6 , also set the priority to 0 .
Please guide me to add UART Interrupt functionality..
Thanks & Regards
Hello Sir
I have another issue about change the screen
How to change the screen using
1] Through Virtual Function,
2] Through using Hardware Button click
Please suggest me about that issue

Hi @DMane​,

Please see this forum post on how to interface between hardware and the UI (TouchGFX)

With the Designer you can add an interaction to a button which will then do a screen transition. Have a look at the code in the generated folder:

In generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontEndHeapBase.hpp you will now see that a slidetransition has been added to the list of "GeneatedTransitionTypes".

     * A list of all transition types. Must end with meta::Nil.
     * @note All transition types used in the application MUST be added to this list!
    typedef meta::TypeList< NoTransition,
            meta::TypeList< SlideTransition<EAST>,
            meta::Nil >
            > GeneratedTransitionTypes;

Now lets have a look at the FrontendApplicationBase.hpp (generated/gui_generated/include/gui_generated/common/FrontendApplicationBase.hpp)

here we see that function prototypes to to the transition have been added, the "void gotoScreen2ScreenSlideTransitionEast();" and "void gotoScreen2ScreenSlideTransitionEastImpl();"

The implementation of these are found in generated/gui_generated/src/common/FrontendApplicationBase.cpp

void FrontendApplicationBase::gotoScreen2ScreenSlideTransitionEast()
    transitionCallback = touchgfx::Callback<FrontendApplicationBase>(this, &FrontendApplication::gotoScreen2ScreenSlideTransitionEastImpl);
    pendingScreenTransitionCallback = &transitionCallback;
void FrontendApplicationBase::gotoScreen2ScreenSlideTransitionEastImpl()
    makeTransition<Screen2View, Screen2Presenter, touchgfx::SlideTransition<EAST>, Model >(&currentScreen, &currentPresenter, frontendHeap, &currentTransition, &model);

Please take a look at the attached files, here the transition is done by adding the same scheme to the FrontendHeap.cpp and FrontendApplication.cpp placed in the gui folder.

I hope this helps
