2020-12-01 9:40 AM
I have text buffer which size has size more than width of text are widget so I wann add animation to move text from right to left in loop so all data of text buffer is able to get display. I tried using scrollableContainer but didn't find correct way to do it.
Suppose max character can be 5 in one time at text area and data is "xyz 123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqt". I want something like below.
| x|
| xy|
| xyz|
| xyz |
|xyz 1|
|yz 12|
|z 123|
and so On
Any suggestions,
2020-12-07 10:49 PM
Currently, you can move a TextArea in a container and make it go back to the starting point when it goes outside the container's area in a loop fashion.
The thing you cannot easily do right now is to put the letter disappearing directly ready to be shown at the right end. (for instance data is xyz 1234)
|xyz 123|
|yz 1234|
|z 1234x|
One way to do this, albeit cumbersome, is to have each letter as one TextArea that you can move freely.