2024-05-08 5:14 PM
I am using page 10 in touchgfx, and if an internal error occurs on any page, I would like to go to the error page. Is there a simple way to implement this?
(Because of the MVP pattern, it seems like conditions need to be implemented on every page)
2024-05-13 8:40 AM
Hello @kimsj ,
Welcome to the community!
I have trouble understanding what you mean by
I am using page 10 in touchgfx
Have you made a TouchGFX Designer project using 10 screens ?
In that case, if you encounter an error (hardfault or unexpected display behavior I guess), then the issue is on the currently displayed screen or the common files (frontendApplication, model, æodelListener, etc) because the screens that are not displayed currently are not running any code.