2021-02-24 03:53 PM
I am using an STM32H7A3ZI and am seeing some unexpected behavior with the LTDC color keying in L8 mode.
The reference manual says this:
If the color keying is enabled, the current pixels (after format conversion and before CLUT respectively blending) are compared to the color key. If they match for the programmed RGB value, all channels (ARGB) of that pixel are set to 0.
In all CLUT-based color modes (L8, AL88, AL44), set one of the palette entry to the mid-yellow color 0x808000 and set the LTDC_LxCKCR to 0x808000.
The first paragraph is somewhat vague ("CLUT blending" - does it mean "CLUT conversion"?), but the second example is clear enough - it implies that the transparency color is compared after CLUT lookup.
So I would expect that setting LxCKCR= 0x00000000 would make RGB=(0,0,0) transparent, regardless of its CLUT index.
That's not what I'm seeing. The pixel value 0xFF (with CLUT value=(0,0,0)) is appearing as black, not transparent.
If I set LxCKCR=0x00FFFFFF, then it is transparent.
So that implies the color keying is being applied to the L8 (index) value, before CLUT lookup.
Some other experiments:
So is the documentation wrong, does the HW have a bug, or am I missing something?