2019-04-03 7:46 AM
My current project needs multiple screens connected by sliding, so i'm using swipe container to contains the changing contents through slides, i also need to see in which screen i am, so Page indicator is perfect for that. The problem is i need a button to return to the first page, but i need that the first page is the middle one, like when sliding through pages on a smartphone. So, is it possible to change the slide configuration? Actually i have 5 slides, so layout is 12345 and the button takes me to slide 1, i need something like -2-1012 and button that take me to 0.
Thanks in advance for any advice
2019-04-03 5:00 PM
I think I understand what you are after.
1) Add a button.
2) Select the button.
3) Follow this screen to map a function to the selected button:
Post back if this is not correct and misunderstood your request. Hope this helps.
2019-04-03 11:59 PM
No that's not what i meant, maybe i explaind myself not clearly, for which i apologize.
By the way i finally figured out how to do what i was trying to do, i write it down so maybe it will help someone, even if the solution is trivial.
To make the page indicator of a swipeContainer start on a given slide, and not on the left most slide, just select the swipeContainer, then on the right menu on PAGES select the page you want to be the starting one, and then select the "Show page indicator". Yeah, simple as that, kinda embarrassed i askd that question :p