2019-02-11 8:42 AM
..because it looks like that at compile time all the images are transformed into .cpp and put in the binary.. i'm wondering if there's an optimization to make only the few into the screen pages to be "compiled into", otherwise i need to delete all of them and every time load in the "db" the one i need to put on the app..
could be an eventual future optimization/feature?
2019-02-11 2:27 PM
Hi @Community member,
Anything you put into the "assets" folder is your indication that you intend it to be a part of your application. And for the F429-disco that would result in linker problems pretty fast if you have a large set of assets.
The way to handle that is to move only the assets into the "assets" folder that you want TouchGFX converter tools to generate code for (which is placed into flash).
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
2019-02-11 10:19 PM
That being said, it could be an idea to allow configuration of which assets ( in /assets) that should be target of code generation. We just need to keep in mind that some may not generate assets through the designer and may simply use the mingw development environment which again means you have to use some intermediary format to list assets and tell the image converter which images to process - This would be a manual task without the designer.
It could be error prone and cause at least a little bit of anguish for users. In the end, having the interface be the contents of a folder is probably the best solution.
2019-02-12 12:31 AM
thanx for the pretty fast & thorough reply; my idea was just that "it could be feasible", for a "static" app (i.e. one that does not load "assets" not already present in the screens, but at runtime..) to have the TouchGFX converter generate only code for the assets that have been already used on design (in a similar way to what happen in the __designer subdir where buttons appear only when used), but i can see it could "hamper" the most advanced user.. anyway, it's not a big deal!