2020-02-26 12:37 AM
Hi,I am a new developer of stm32h750dk.
Develop environment:
OS:Windows 10
Compile tool:
1, gcc 9-2019-q4-major link:https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+milestone/9-2019-q4-major
2, make MinGW link:http://www.mingw.org/
I generate stm32h750dk online application on touchGFX designer 4.12.3.
When i use gcc to compile the source code, it shows me nothing.
1/ make -f Makefile all
2/make -d Makefile
I generate the source code for stm32f103 via stm32cubemx, it compiles well.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-03-31 8:09 AM
Try making using the TouchGFX Environment. It's set up with everything required.
2020-03-31 8:09 AM
Try making using the TouchGFX Environment. It's set up with everything required.
2020-04-01 3:00 AM
Your suggestion is right, and thanks for your attention.
2020-04-01 3:33 AM
Nice! You're welcome :)