2022-01-27 2:51 AM
The question was already asked but still not answered.
I was trying to use:
application().goto() functions but unsccesful.
2022-01-27 5:05 AM
It is not possible at the moment (actually I think a user on the forum shared his workaround but cant seem to find it). What are you trying to do exactly ? Same thing as the post you shared ? In his case what i would recommend is just to implement dummy transitions in one of the screens to generate all the application.goto() functions needed and add a function receiving the hardware input (see backend communication article) which then calls the relevent screen transition. You'll have to implement that same function in all screens of your project (we are aware this is annoying and are working on it :grinning_face_with_sweat:).
2022-01-27 6:33 AM
Try this post: c++ - Switching between different screens - Stack Overflow