2021-11-02 7:19 AM
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to integrate my own touch controller with TouchGFX on a custom board. My touch driver gives me XY coordinates of an event (press or release). Basically with this information I can do whaterver I want. So, for example, I can change color of a box when that box is pressed simulating a button.
But if I want to use the button widget with an interaction, TouchGFX generates a buttonCallbackHandler that execute code. How can I tell TouchGFX that, if my touch driver tell me that a XY coordinate relative to the button is pressed, it should call the buttonCallbackHandler?
Hopefully I wrote it clear. If it's not feel free to ask.
Thank you.
2021-11-02 7:45 AM
TochGFX have class for touch overide methods, you need implement every in this file.
When you plan not use standart touch engine, then your code need manage events as for example button clicks , but this isnt effective.
Read carefully files in target folder.