2022-06-13 8:01 PM
I'm using an RTOS and have Touchgfx as a separate thread, but am having trouble with how to interact with the non-UI parts. Is there a good example for reference, preferably the source code, thank you
2022-06-14 7:12 AM
Hello SLuo.2,
Yes we have source references which are provided when you download STM32CubeMX, accessible here : C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\STM32Cube\Repository
For example if you need Examples based on the STM32H735G-DK board about OSPI, it's accessible here :
If you need a specific example, let us know which one it is, and which TouchGFX board setup do you use.
2022-06-15 1:37 AM
For example some time-consuming operations need to be performed after a button press, which obviously cannot be done in the touchgfx thread, is there a good example of this to teach me how to do it.
This asked the touchgfx documentation center to see, this is exactly what I need, but unfortunately I don't know where to get it
2022-06-15 4:36 AM
Hello SLuo.2,
Indeed this presentation is not available yet, but you might can use a presentation on our Youtube channel which explain how to interact with a hardware button. Here's the videos : Part 1 & Part 2 & Other example